West Germany: The Peace & Anti-Nuclear Armament Movement
The Ostensible End of the Protest Movement (March 15, 1975)
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NATO’s Double-Track Decision (December 12, 1979)
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The Western Alliance and NATO’s Double-Track Decision (December 14, 1979)
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The Krefeld Appeal (November 1980)
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The Bielefeld Appeal (December 1980)
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Bundestag Debate on Nuclear Arms Buildup (October 10, 1981)
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Protest March in Bonn (October 12, 1981)
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The Peace Movement and German Foreign Policy (October 19, 1981)
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The CSU Demonstrates for Peace (October 20, 1983)
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East-West German Initiative (1983)
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Erklärung des Krefelder Forums vom 15./16. November 1980
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Petra Kelly, “Right Livelihood Awards 1982 Acceptance Speech” (December 9, 1982)
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“The European Peace Movement,” Conversation with Gert Bastian and Petra Kelly, Berkeley (October 23, 1984)
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Petra Kelly, “Right Livelihood Awards 1982 Acceptance Speech” (December 9, 1982)
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“The European Peace Movement,” Conversation with Gert Bastian and Petra Kelly, Berkeley (October 23, 1984)
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Petra Kelly, “Nonviolence Speaks to Power,” edited by Glenn Paige and Sarah Gilliat,
Center for Global Nonviolence
(A selection of five speeches and four essays covering the period from August 1987 to July 1991)
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“Es sind nicht nur Revolutionen, die ihre Kinder fressen,” Interview with Petra Kelly (1990)
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