Documents – West Germany The Green Movement

West Germany: The Green Movement

The Club of Rome on the “Limits of Growth” (1972)
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Social Democratic Reflections on “Economic Growth or Quality of Life?” (April 11, 1972)
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Origins, Motives, and Structures of Citizens’ Initiatives (October 27, 1973)
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Environmentalists Protest the Building of a Nuclear Power Plant in Wyhl (1975)
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Constitutional Implications of the Campaign against Nuclear Power (November 3, 1976)
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Civic Movements between Peaceful Protest and Outbreaks of Violence (August 5, 1977)
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Young Socialists Criticize the SPD’s Lack of a Strategy vis-à-vis the Ecology Movement (1979)
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The Anti-Nuclear “Free Republic of Wendland” (May 30, 1980)
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Interview with an East German Environmental Initiative in Schwerin (1980)
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The Green Party Program at the Federal Level (1981)
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Comments on the Rapid Rise of Nuclear Fears (June 15, 1981)
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Squatters Occupy a Berlin Apartment Building (1981)
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The Media Warns of “Dying Forests and Acid Rain” (1983)
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Joschka Fischer becomes the First Green Minister of the Environment (November 4, 1985)
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Poem about the Chernobyl Catastrophe (May 23, 1986)
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DIE GRÜNEN. Das Bundesprogramm von 1980 in der zweiten überarbeiteten Fassung von 1982
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