Online Publications

Online Publications

German-American Relations

Krieger, Wolfgang, “SECURITY: German-American Security Relations, 1968-1990 – Three Historical Breaks.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

Schake, Kori N., “NATO Strategy and the German-American Relationship.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

Dembinski, Matthias, “Differences on Arms Control in German-American Relations.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

Broer, Michael, “The NATO Double-Track Decision, the INF Treaty, and the SNF Controversy – German-American Relations between Consensus and Conflict.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

Zilian, Frederick, Jr., “The Shifting Military Balance in Central Europe.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

Rohde, Joachim, “The Transfer of American Military Technology to Germany – Introduction.” The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A Handbook, Volume II: 1968-1990. Eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris. CUP, 2004.

The articles are, as part of the handbook on “The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War,
(eds. Detlef Junker, Philipp Gassert, Wilfried Mausbach and David B. Morris, 2 vols., CUP, 2004), available full text online when accessed through the website of the German Historical Institute.
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European Dimension

Europe is a Peaceful Woman, America is a War-Mongering Man?
The 1980s Peace Movement in NATO-Allied Europe
By Belinda Davis, Contribution to the web-feature “European history – gender history,” in: Themenportal Europäische Geschichte (2009)
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Ende des Atomzeitalters?
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(APuZ 46-47/2011)
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
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Philipp Gassert, “Popularität der Apokalypse: Zur Nuklearangst seit 1945”, in: Ende des Atomzeitalters? Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, (APuZ 46-47/2011)
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Lukas Beckmann, “Petra Kelly: Eine Erinnerung” (Essay, Archive Green Memory)
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Ralf Fücks, “Petra Kelly und die Grünen: Eine Wiederannäherung” (Essay, Archive Green Memory)
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Alexander Leistner, “Sozialfiguren des Protests und deren Bedeutung für die Entstehung und Stabilisierung sozialer Bewegungen: Das Beispiel der unabhängigen DDR-Friedensbewegung,” FQS Forum, Volume 12, No. 2, Art. 14 – Mai 2011
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Saskia Richter, “Die Königin der Alternativen,” in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 27. November 2007
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Achim Schmiz, “Gewaltfreiheit trainieren,” Die Rolle des gewaltfreien Anarchismus in der Trainingsgeschichte, Graswurzelrevolution, Januar 2011/355
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